Samantha Horwitz

​Passionate About Inspiring Others to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Ultra-Performance

Sam is a 9/11 First Responder, former United States Secret Service Agent, speaker and author.

With her B.S. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, her J.D. from the Howard University School of Law, and experience as a Law Enforcement Officer, she has become an expert in handling stress and managing PTS. She has spoken nationally to Law Enforcement, Veteran, business, and faith-based communities on how to recognize and combat the effects of PTS, how to minimize the damage stress can cause in the workplace, and how to support those who have PTS.

Sam’s been featured in People Magazine, on ABC, CBS, Blaze TV with Glenn Beck and in other local and national media. She is the author of The Silent Fall: A Secret Service Agent’s Story of Tragedy and Triumph After 9/11. Sam serves on the board of Frontline Crisis Response Solutions, providing confidential support through wellness and resiliency for first responders and their families, and is the co-host of the award winning MAD (Making a Difference) Radio.

Sam is the recipient of the United States Secret Service Director’s Citation for Valor for her service on 9/11. Sam has also been honored with the Texas State Flag from the Texas House of Representatives in recognition of her service as a United States Secret Service Agent, and a Proclamation from the Texas Senate honoring her continued service to the citizens of the State of Texas.

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Real News Communications Network

Samantha Horwitz - PTSD and Taking Your Life Back

Samantha Horwitz Former Secret Service Agent & 911 First Responder | The Healing Springs Show

MAD Radio with Samantha Horwitz